Unraveling the Mystery: Discrepancy between Grouped and Ungrouped Output of HSD.test from agricolae Package in R
Image by Deston - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: Discrepancy between Grouped and Ungrouped Output of HSD.test from agricolae Package in R

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If you’re an R enthusiast working with the agricolae package, you might have stumbled upon a peculiar phenomenon – the discrepancy between grouped and ungrouped output of the HSD.test function. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this anomaly and provide clear, step-by-step instructions to help you navigate this issue with ease.

What is the HSD.test Function?

The HSD.test function, part of the agricolae package, is a powerful tool for performing Honest Significant Difference (HSD) tests. This statistical method is used to compare means of different groups while controlling the Family-Wise Error Rate (FWER). The HSD.test function takes a formula, data, and other parameters as inputs, and outputs a list containing the test results, including the grouping information, means, and letters.

The Grouping Conundrum: What’s Going On?

When using the HSD.test function, you might notice that the output changes depending on whether you input grouped or ungrouped data. This discrepancy can be confusing, especially for those new to R or statistical analysis. The grouped output provides a more detailed breakdown of the test results, while the ungrouped output appears to collapse the groups and provide a single set of results.

So, what’s causing this disparity? The answer lies in the way R handles grouping variables when performing statistical tests.

Understanding Grouping in R

In R, grouping variables are used to split data into distinct categories for analysis. When working with the HSD.test function, you can specify a grouping variable using the `trt` argument. This variable is used to create groups based on the unique levels of the factor.

When you input grouped data, the HSD.test function recognizes the grouping structure and performs the test accordingly. However, when you input ungrouped data, R implicitly creates a single group containing all observations.

Let’s Dive into an Example!

Suppose we’re working with the ` iris` dataset, and we want to compare the means of the `Sepal.Length` variable across different species using the HSD.test function.


# Grouped data
hsd_grouped <- HSD.test(y = iris$Sepal.Length, trt = iris$Species, group = TRUE)

The output will display the grouped results, with separate sections for each species.

Species Mean Letters
setosa 5.006 a
versicolor 5.936 b
virginica 6.588 c

Now, let’s try the same example with ungrouped data:

# Ungrouped data
hsd_ungrouped <- HSD.test(y = iris$Sepal.Length, trt = 1:length(iris$Species), group = FALSE)

The output will display a single set of results, without any grouping information.

Mean Letters
5.843 a

What’s the Difference?

The primary difference between the grouped and ungrouped outputs lies in the way R handles the grouping variable. When you input grouped data, the HSD.test function recognizes the grouping structure and performs the test accordingly, producing separate results for each group.

In contrast, when you input ungrouped data, R creates a single group containing all observations, resulting in a single set of results. This can be misleading, as it may conceal important differences between groups.

Best Practices for Working with HSD.test

To ensure accurate and reliable results, follow these best practices when working with the HSD.test function:

  • Always specify the grouping variable using the `trt` argument.
  • Use the `group = TRUE` argument to ensure grouped output.
  • Verify the grouping structure of your data before running the test.
  • Compare results from grouped and ungrouped outputs to identify potential issues.


In conclusion, the discrepancy between grouped and ungrouped output of the HSD.test function in R is primarily due to the way R handles grouping variables. By understanding the underlying mechanisms and following best practices, you can ensure accurate and reliable results when working with this powerful statistical tool.

Remember, a clear understanding of the data and the test itself is crucial for making informed decisions. Don’t let the grouping conundrum hold you back – master the HSD.test function and unlock the secrets of your data!

Happy R-ing!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on resolving the discrepancy between grouped and ungrouped output of HSD.test from agricolae package in R!

Why do I get different results when running HSD.test with grouped and ungrouped data?

This discrepancy arises because the HSD.test function from the agricolae package in R treats grouped and ungrouped data differently. When data is grouped, the function calculates the mean for each group and then performs the HSD test. In contrast, when data is ungrouped, the function calculates the overall mean and then performs the test. To get consistent results, ensure you’re using the correct data structure and specify the correct grouping variable.

How can I identify if my data is grouped or ungrouped?

Check the structure of your data using the str() or summary() function in R. If your data is grouped, you’ll see a separate column or row for each group. For example, if you have a column called “treatment” with values “A”, “B”, and “C”, your data is likely grouped. In contrast, if your data is ungrouped, you’ll only see a single column or row for the entire dataset.

What is the correct way to specify the grouping variable in HSD.test?

When specifying the grouping variable, use the “trt” argument within the HSD.test function. For example, HSD.test(y ~ x, trt = “treatment”, data = mydata). Replace “treatment” with the actual name of your grouping variable, and “mydata” with the name of your dataset. Ensure the grouping variable is a factor or character vector.

Can I use HSD.test with unequal sample sizes?

Yes, you can use HSD.test with unequal sample sizes. However, be aware that unequal sample sizes can affect the results of the test. To account for this, consider using the “unequal” argument within the HSD.test function, which adjusts the test for unequal sample sizes. For example, HSD.test(y ~ x, trt = “treatment”, unequal = TRUE, data = mydata).

What if I’m still getting different results despite following the correct procedures?

Double-check your data and code for any errors or inconsistencies. Verify that your data is correctly formatted, and the grouping variable is specified correctly. If issues persist, try re-running the analysis with a different random seed or exploring alternative post-hoc testing methods. If you’re still stuck, consider seeking guidance from a statistician or R expert.

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