PySide6/QML dosn’t show RTL TextField Correctly? Here’s the Fix for Persian and Other RTL Languages!
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PySide6/QML dosn’t show RTL TextField Correctly? Here’s the Fix for Persian and Other RTL Languages!

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Are you tired of wrestling with PySide6/QML to get your RTL (Right-to-Left) languages, such as Persian, to display correctly in your TextField? Well, you’re in luck because we’ve got the solution right here! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the process of getting your PySide6/QML app to display RTL languages correctly.

The Problem: PySide6/QML and RTL Languages

For those who may not be familiar, PySide6 is a Python binding for the Qt application framework, which allows you to create GUI applications using Python. QML, on the other hand, is a declarative language used to define the user interface of Qt applications. When it comes to languages that are written from right to left, such as Persian, Arabic, and Hebrew, PySide6/QML can sometimes struggle to display them correctly.

This is because PySide6/QML uses the Qt framework, which is designed with left-to-right languages in mind. As a result, when you try to display RTL languages in a TextField, they may appear jumbled or in the wrong order. But fear not, dear developer, for we’ve got the solution to this problem!

Understanding RTL Languages and Unicode

Before we dive into the solution, it’s essential to understand how RTL languages work and how they’re represented in Unicode.

In Unicode, each character is assigned a unique code point, which is used to represent that character in digital form. RTL languages, however, have some special requirements. For example, in Persian, the letter “خ” (kh) has a different code point than the letter “ه” (he), but when displayed together, they should be in the reverse order.

This is where the concept of “bidirectional” text comes in. In bidirectional text, the direction of the text is determined by the language and script being used. In the case of RTL languages, the text is displayed from right to left, which means that the order of the characters is reversed.

The Solution: Using the `horizontalAlignment` Property

Now that we understand how RTL languages work, let’s get to the solution! The key to getting PySide6/QML to display RTL languages correctly is to use the `horizontalAlignment` property.

In QML, the `horizontalAlignment` property is used to specify the alignment of text within a TextField. By default, this property is set to `Qt.AlignLeft`, which means that the text will be aligned to the left side of the TextField.

However, when working with RTL languages, we need to set this property to `Qt.AlignRight`. This tells the TextField to align the text to the right side, which is essential for displaying RTL languages correctly.

TextField {
    id: textField
    horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignRight
    text: "خوش آمدید" // Persian for "Welcome"

By setting the `horizontalAlignment` property to `Qt.AlignRight`, we’re telling the TextField to display the text from right to left, which is essential for RTL languages.

Using the `LayoutDirection` Property

In addition to the `horizontalAlignment` property, we also need to set the `LayoutDirection` property to `Qt.RightToLeft`. This property is used to specify the direction of the layout, and by setting it to `Qt.RightToLeft`, we’re telling the TextField to layout the text from right to left.

TextField {
    id: textField
    horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignRight
    layoutDirection: Qt.RightToLeft
    text: "خوش آمدید" // Persian for "Welcome"

By combining the `horizontalAlignment` and `LayoutDirection` properties, we can get our TextField to display RTL languages correctly.

Handling Bidirectional Text

In some cases, you may need to handle bidirectional text, where you have a mix of RTL and LTR (Left-to-Right) languages in the same TextField. In this case, you can use the ` bidiEnabled` property to enable bidirectional text support.

TextField {
    id: textField
    horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignRight
    layoutDirection: Qt.RightToLeft
    bidiEnabled: true
    text: "خوش آمدید (Welcome)" // Persian and English text

By setting the `bidiEnabled` property to `true`, we’re telling the TextField to support bidirectional text, which allows us to mix RTL and LTR languages in the same text field.


In this guide, we’ve shown you how to get PySide6/QML to display RTL languages correctly, including Persian, Arabic, and Hebrew. By using the `horizontalAlignment` and `LayoutDirection` properties, you can get your TextField to display RTL languages in the correct order.

Remember to handle bidirectional text by setting the `bidiEnabled` property to `true`, and you’ll be able to mix RTL and LTR languages in the same TextField.

With these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to creating PySide6/QML applications that support RTL languages correctly. Happy coding!

Property Description
horizontalAlignment Sets the horizontal alignment of the text within the TextField.
layoutDirection Sets the direction of the layout, either Left-to-Right or Right-to-Left.
bidiEnabled Enables bidirectional text support, allowing you to mix RTL and LTR languages in the same TextField.

Common Issues and Solutions

In this section, we’ll cover some common issues you may encounter when working with RTL languages in PySide6/QML, along with their solutions.

Issue: TextField is not displaying RTL languages correctly

Solution: Make sure you have set the `horizontalAlignment` property to `Qt.AlignRight` and the `layoutDirection` property to `Qt.RightToLeft`.

Issue: Bidirectional text is not working correctly

Solution: Ensure that the `bidiEnabled` property is set to `true`, and that you have set the `horizontalAlignment` and `layoutDirection` properties correctly.

Issue: Persian characters are not displaying correctly

Solution: Make sure you have installed the correct fonts and font configurations for Persian language support.

By following these tips and solutions, you should be able to overcome any issues you encounter when working with RTL languages in PySide6/QML.


In conclusion, getting PySide6/QML to display RTL languages correctly is a matter of setting the right properties and understanding how RTL languages work. By following the instructions and tips outlined in this guide, you should be able to create PySide6/QML applications that support RTL languages correctly.

Remember to share your experiences and knowledge with others, and don’t hesitate to ask for help if you encounter any issues.

Happy coding, and we’ll see you in the next tutorial!

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with PySide6/QML displaying RTL (Right-to-Left) direction for Persian text in TextField? You’re not alone! Check out these frequently asked questions to get your solution.

Why doesn’t my PySide6/QML application show Persian text correctly in TextField?

One possible reason is that you haven’t set the horizontalAlignment property of the TextField to Qt.AlignRight or Qt.AlignHCenter. Additionally, ensure that your QML file is encoded in UTF-8 and that the font used supports Persian characters.

How do I set the direction of my TextField to RTL in PySide6/QML?

You can set the layoutDirection property of the TextField to Qt.RightToLeft. This will adjust the text alignment and direction according to the RTL language requirements.

What if I’m using a custom font in my PySide6/QML application?

If you’re using a custom font, make sure it supports Persian characters and has the correct directionality for RTL languages. You may need to specify the font’s language or script properties explicitly.

Can I use a different QML component instead of TextField for RTL text input?

Yes, you can use the TextEdit component instead of TextField. TextEdit provides more advanced text editing features and better support for RTL languages.

What if none of the above solutions work for me?

If you’ve tried the above solutions and still encounter issues, you may want to check for any platform-specific problems or file a bug report with the PySide6 or Qt teams. You can also seek help from the community forums or QML experts.

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